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发布时间:2024-02-26 09:47:01 点击量:

双语:那不勒斯,待用咖啡背后浓浓的人情味A act of and that in a shop in , Italy, is the world and has a topic on Sina Weibo. It’s “ ”.一个源于意大利那不勒斯当地一家咖啡馆的小小善举正在全球范围内传播,更是成为了新浪微博的热门话题之一。这就是“待用咖啡”。The idea is : At cafes, you can pay for your own as well as a one, which can then be later by in need.这个理念很简单:在加入此项活动的咖啡馆,你可以买两杯咖啡,一杯给自己,另一杯留给稍后需要的人前来认领。In Italy, or “Caffe ” has been for 100 years.在意大利,“待用咖啡”(编者注:意大利语称其为“Caffe ”)已有近百年的历史了。

The de , of : Daily in Small Sips, told NPR about its .来自那不勒斯的作家、《待用咖啡:平常生活中的点滴智慧》一书的作者卢西亚诺 德 克雷申佐在接受美国国家公共电台NPR采访时提起了它的起源。“It was a ,” he . “When a who had a break of good luck a cafe and a cup of , he didn’t pay just for one, but for two cups, less who later to have a cup of for free.”“这是一项美好的风俗。”他回忆道,“一位时运正佳的人走进咖啡馆,点杯咖啡休息一下;但他不仅为自己那杯买单,而是付了两杯咖啡的钱,以便那些稍后走进咖啡馆却囊中羞涩的人可以享用上一杯免费的咖啡。


” would keep a of the and when down on their luck into the cafe and asked “Is there ?”, the would nod and give them a cup of for free.咖啡师会记下顾客的购买记录,当有时运不济的人走进来询问“是否有待用咖啡提供?”时,咖啡师就会送上一杯免费咖啡。It’s an way to show and is based on good faith. The and never meet each other, the donor doesn’t show off and the doesn’t have to show .这是一种源于善念的、十分优雅的慷慨之举。施善者和受施者素未谋面,慷慨之人不必被贴上“炫富”的标签,而享用善举之人也不必感恩涕零。

Now, tough times and in much of are this . The NPR that the is now to other parts of and the cup of has a of .时下,低迷的经济形势再加上欧洲大部分地区的贫困化,使得这一传统再次流行起来。NPR报导称这一善举正在受到欧洲其他地区的响应,而这杯“待用咖啡”已然成为草根阶层团结一致的象征。In , more than 150 cafes have an on the .在保加利亚,有超过150家咖啡馆自发加入“待用咖啡”行动,来推行这项传统的善举。In Spain, , a young man from , a “Cafes ” and the among shops.在西班牙,来自巴塞罗那的年轻人冈萨罗 萨比那创立了名为“待用咖啡” 的网站(编者注:在西班牙语中,待用咖啡被成为“Cafes ”),在众多咖啡馆中推行该善举。


In , cafes now do by the logo “Cafe en ”.如今,在法国,一些咖啡馆打出“待用咖啡”(编者注:法语中,待用咖啡可以用“Cafe en ”来表示)的标识,来加入这一善举。There is even a that lists cafes that have the the on the list the UK, , and .甚至还有一家专门的网站,上面列出了自发加入“待用咖啡”活动的咖啡馆 上榜的国家中包括英国、匈牙利、澳大利亚以及加拿大。 in the UK has its own of the , The Post . The chain will match the value of each with a cash to a .《赫芬顿邮报》报导称,英国的星巴克用自己独特的方式来支持这一善举。

该咖啡连锁商将会把每一杯待用咖啡折成现金捐给慈善机构。But not is a good idea. An on the out that the could in “, cheap jerks” of ’ good will. Also, it adds, if we want to help poor , we try with them in order to truly their and needs.但并非所有人都认为待用咖啡是个好主意。著名的消费者监督网站上就有文章指出,此举会致使那些“贪得无厌、占小便宜的人”来利用别人的善心。同时,该文章也表示,如果我们真想帮助穷人,或许应该与他们面对面地接触,来充分了解他们的现状和需求。

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