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北京故宫角楼咖啡开张 “康熙最爱巧克力”受追捧

发布时间:2024-03-02 07:35:41 点击量:

Café by the City opens in

12月1日,位于北京故宫博物院神武门外的故宫角楼咖啡正式营业,游客无须“进宫”,就能享用“皇家咖啡”,感受故宫文化。这里还提供一份“故宫甄选”水单,养心咖啡、康熙最爱巧克力、三千佳丽奶茶、佛手香茗、一骑红尘妃子笑——荔枝红茶等特色饮品透着“宫”味儿。图为《千里江山图》成为壁纸主图。[中新社 杜洋 摄]

enjoy their at a café newly the 's Men, or the Gate of Might in on 1, 2018. Named "Café by The City," the shop in the theme of China their to enjoy a wide range of while . (Photo: China News / Du Yang)


北京故宫角楼咖啡开张 “康熙最爱巧克力”受追捧

12月1日,位于北京故宫博物院神武门外的故宫角楼咖啡正式营业,游客无须“进宫”,就能享用“皇家咖啡”,感受故宫文化。这里还提供一份“故宫甄选”水单,养心咖啡、三千佳丽奶茶、佛手香茗、一骑红尘妃子笑——荔枝红茶等特色饮品透着“宫”味儿,其中,康熙最爱巧克力颇受消费者追捧。[中新社 杜洋 摄]

A girl food at a café the 's Men, or the Gate of Might in on 1, 2018. Named "Café by The City," the shop in the theme of China their to enjoy a wide range of while . (Photo: China News / Du Yang)

12月1日,位于北京故宫博物院神武门外的故宫角楼咖啡正式营业,游客无须“进宫”,就能享用“皇家咖啡”,感受故宫文化。这里还提供一份“故宫甄选”水单,养心咖啡、三千佳丽奶茶、佛手香茗、一骑红尘妃子笑——荔枝红茶等特色饮品透着“宫”味儿,其中,康熙最爱巧克力颇受消费者追捧。[中新社 杜洋 摄]

Girls take a café newly the 's Men, or the Gate of Might in on 1, 2018. Named "Café by The City," the shop in the theme of China their to enjoy a wide range of while . (Photo: China News / Du Yang)

北京故宫角楼咖啡开张 “康熙最爱巧克力”受追捧

12月1日,位于北京故宫博物院神武门外的故宫角楼咖啡正式营业,游客无须“进宫”,就能享用“皇家咖啡”,感受故宫文化。这里还提供一份“故宫甄选”水单,养心咖啡、三千佳丽奶茶、佛手香茗、一骑红尘妃子笑——荔枝红茶等特色饮品透着“宫”味儿,其中,康熙最爱巧克力颇受消费者追捧。[中新社 杜洋 摄]

enjoy their at a café newly the 's Men, or the Gate of Might in on 1, 2018. Named "Café by The City," the shop in the theme of China their to enjoy a wide range of while . (Photo: China News / Du Yang)

12月1日,位于北京故宫博物院神武门外的故宫角楼咖啡正式营业,游客无须“进宫”,就能享用“皇家咖啡”,感受故宫文化。这里还提供一份“故宫甄选”水单,养心咖啡、三千佳丽奶茶、佛手香茗、一骑红尘妃子笑——荔枝红茶等特色饮品透着“宫”味儿,其中,康熙最爱巧克力颇受消费者追捧。[中新社 杜洋 摄]

A girl her at a café newly the 's Men, or the Gate of Might in on 1, 2018. Named "Café by The City," the shop in the theme of China their to enjoy a wide range of while . (Photo: China News / Du Yang)

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